Performance Appraisal Checklist

From: Staffing

Performance Appraisal Checklist
  1. Schedule the performance appraisal well in advance. Let the employee know if he/she is required to prepare anything for  the appraisal meeting such as:
  1. Accomplishments of the past year/ appraisal period;
  2. Developmental goals for the coming appraisal period;
  3. Area of most improvement for the past appraisal period;
  4. Training needs or desires;
  5. Performance goals for the upcoming appraisal period;
  6. Any other materials that are important to consider when constructing the formal appraisal.
  1. Prepare the written appraisal by:
    1. Reviewing the personnel and employee relations file for the past review period for any accomplishments, coaching, discipline, training events, etc.;
    2. Soliciting feedback from other managers, leads, or project managers;
    3. Focusing on the key areas of the review and provide succinct, example-based commentary to support your ratings,  noting additional examples that you can refer to during the meeting, if needed;
    4. Identifying areas of continuing development for the coming appraisal period;
    5. Considering that nothing should be a surprise, decide whether to add items to the review that have not been addressed directly with the employee;
    6. Asking the employee to provide a self-appraisal; and
    7. If applicable in your organization, include the 360 degree reviews from employees or managers in the process.
  2. Discuss the appraisal with the employee by:
    1. Scheduling the review well in advance and blocking time so that the review is not interrupted;
    2. Providing a verbal agenda of the meeting;
    3. Providing a copy of the appraisal to the employee at the start of the meeting and allowing the employee time for review;
    4. Explaining the review, highlighting the most important areas;
    5. Discussing the goals for the upcoming appraisal period;
    6. Soliciting the employee’s interaction and feedback;
    7. Informing the employee that he/she is welcome to submit a response in writing if desired;
    8. Setting dates for follow-up meetings with the employee during the upcoming appraisal period, if applicable;
    9. Agreeing to the future performance goals and developmental plans for the next review period; and
    10. Providing the employee with a signed copy of the review for his/her records.
  3. After the meeting:
    1. Add notes regarding the meeting to the employees file if needed;
    2. Make any agreed-upon edits from the meeting to the review;
    3. Add scheduled follow-up meetings to your calendar;
    4. Update the HRIS, if applicable; and
    5. File the signed and delivered appraisal in the personnel file.